The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge – Ephemeral

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: « Ephemeral. »

I have spent the last weekend with one thing in mind : family. I haven’t really looked into my blog, prompts or challenges. My baby girl just turned one and it was something I wanted to celebrate, enjoy and immortalize. When I saw the theme of this week’s photo challenge I already had an idea of what my entry would be.

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Sorry for those of you who aren’t into baby pictures, but for me « ephemeral » this weekend was related to every single face or smile she had on her face. The joy of discovering a present, not knowing what she was doing in front of that shiny paper. Then seeing that once the gift was opened that it had toys inside she loved. Playing with grandparents, having friends over, see mom and dad make faces so she’d look into cameras.

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Have you seen my article about her love of her image ? I wasn’t exagerating, she couldn’t get enough of all those cameras in her face, and would diligently go from person to person to take other shots taken.  have a whole selection of pictures, all kinds of faces. Elianor could be making an o-shape with her mouth or be pointing at me, she’d make her typical grin from time to time. But boy how hard it was to get one « proper » picture of her.
I might be repeating myself, but I can’t get tired of her having so much fun having her picture taken, or letting her see pictures of herself.

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Hope you could enjoy some of those little monkey faces I’m in love with. And my apologies because you missed the laughter that went with those. Wishing you all a nice new week.

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17 réflexions sur “The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge – Ephemeral

    • Merci Maman. J’ai toujours du mal à ne pas répondre « Je sais » lol mais je suis si gaga et fière et amoureuse de cette petite poupée. Merci encore d’être passés ce weekend et de nous avoir permis de prendre autant de photos en plus de nous avoir donné pleins de bons souvenirs. Bisous.


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